Bill, 65, ex-builder
Health challenges
- Past heart attack
- Multiple medications to control blood pressure
- Blood sugars always up and can’t lose weight
- Always tired-needs a sleep in the afternoon
- Irritable and anxious
- Enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction
- Poor memory-worried about his brain function
- Can’t stop eating sugar
- Severe reflux
What I found
- Bill’s diet was too high in poor carbohydrates/low-fat food and to low in fats
- His detailed cholesterol test showed he needs to reduce carbohydrates
- Insulin, triglyceride and blood sugars all elevated
- Doesn’t want to go on a quick-fix ‘diet’ (he needs long-term advice)
- Low mineral and vitamin levels after tests
- Drinks four beers each night to reduce stress and help sleep
- Worked extensively with diesel, solvents and welding material
- Initiated a higher fat and lower carbohydrate eating plan
- Introduced specific food and supplements to help with insulin resistance
- Improved nutrient levels to reduce inflammation
- Started slowly removing heavy metals
- Started a weights program to improve strength/muscle
- Made a list about how to reduce stress, reduce alcohol and improve sleep
Great results
- Energy levels are better
- Has lost 12kg
- Bill’s mood has improved
- No longer needs an afternoon sleep
- He has reduced his blood pressure and reflux medication