Katrina, 48, doctor
Health challenges
- Grade four endometriosis
- Constant thrush
- Low iron anaemia
- Fatigue on waking
- Shift work-demanding job
- Previous skin cancers removed
- Wanting to get pregnant in the future
What I found
- Previous high antibiotic use
- Very low Vitamin D (implicated in skin cancer)
- Very low protein and fat diet-high in refined carbohydrates
- Low B12 and folate-important for fertility
- Large amount of ‘plastics’ and toxins in blood due to workplace exposure.
- Increased fat and protein in diet-more ‘nutrient-dense’ foods (eggs, nuts, yoghurt, grass-fed meat)
- Helped patient recover from laparoscopies with anti-inflammatory foods and supplements
- Boosted iron, Vitamin D, B12 through diet/lifestyle and supplement changes
- Used specific probiotic to reduce thrush
- Removed many toxic plastics, cosmetics and foods from diet
- Started on a protein shake to help with the shift-work
Wonderful result
Katrina had been given less than 5% chance of a natural pregnancy. After 12 months of treatment, she gave birth to a healthy boy .