Firstly, before I dive in, I hope you had a wonderful 2018, and I hope you survive the Christmas craziness. and feel positive about 2019. How do I feel about year just gone? Probably like you-I am knackered (but in a reasonably positive way). Yes, there is the juggle of family, jobs, finances, and health that […]
Should I just tell you what the magic superfood is? Oh come on Mr ‘Please just tell me what to eat’ Nutritionist, I’m really busy and I just want to know what is this ingredient. Is it a capsule that you sell? Is it a new Amazonian fruit with an exotic name that will just melt the kilograms […]
Oh OK, the nutrition guy is talking bone this week, so it’s going to be about calcium, glucosamine and Vitamin D right? And is he going to mention ‘fish oil for better skin’? No, all wrong, none of the above. They are a long-way second to what is really causing your lovely bones (and the rest of your body) to creak, age […]
Fasting, or ‘voluntary not eating for a finite period of time’, can be very helpful in regards to overall health. I’ll shortly give you my ‘rules’ if you want to try a fast. But first, there are some caveats. For 90% of us mere mortals who have busy lives, families and work, fasting for a day or even half a day just […]
Do you seriously think you can lose weight? Really? Why bother! Why bother trying to get yourself better, when changing diets just don’t work. Don’t you get it, I was thinking. No-one ‘gets better’. It just doesn’t happen. No-one ‘reverses’ their diabetes’. Anyone who says they can is lying. No-one loses their weight and keeps it off. I haven’t […]
I was disappointed but not surprised with the ABC Catalyst program called ‘Curing Diabetes‘ that aired last week. The most important question that it did not answer, was what causes diabetes, and why is it so difficult to cure? These are the key questions that I have my patients understand, so they can start reversing the impact of this insidious disease. Diabetes […]
I’m really sorry I did that to you last week, with the ‘to be continued’. I could have easily written more on my first tip: “Don’t fear fat or cholesterol, but fear excessive carbohydrates.” To reinforce this message, the seminar “Please Just Tell Me What To Eat’, that I presented in Toowoomba two weeks ago, is now available for […]
Don’t worry, I’m the same as you – I can’t believe Christmas is only a few weeks away. Everything always speeds up as the end of year approaches, it is far too hectic. It is a really tough time to be making changes to any routine. What I thought I would try and do, is at least plant a […]
But Mr Nutritionist, you are talking fruit and vegetables-they just have to be good for you right?! Why? Is it because ‘we’ve always eaten them’? Fruit especially has changed over the years to become more like confectionary than a ‘healthy food’. So if they are saying no to primates eating all the fruit-why are being told […]
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