Welcome to 2019! I hope you had a bit of a break over Christmas.
This newsletter is packed with some gems that will help you through this confusing, combative and upside-down world of food and nutrition.
But first, a couple of bits of disappointing news.
Many of you have asked me about why I’m not back on ABC Radio on Saturday mornings.
Well, they changed presenters and the new presenter brought her own guests over! That’s show biz I guess.
It’s funny isn’t it that until it’s gone, you don’t realise how much you enjoy something. I really did put my heart and soul into research for the show and I hope it came through.
I really do miss the segment, the feedback and questions. The bit I miss most was giving an unbiased opinion, regarding food, diet plus busting myths, and simply telling the truth, and being straight-forward.Fingers-crossed you will still be able to hear me from time to time, when I comment on a food or health story that pops up. Newsflash: I will be on ABC Radio Brisbane at 10am this Friday 15th February debating about how to fix obesity (and hopefully explain where we going wrong). Listen here The second disappointment is that many private health funds will cease to recognise nutrition as an ‘extra’ so their will be no rebate available from the 1/4/19.This is such a disappointing development, at a time when my services are in such great demand and we are in the middle of an obesity and diabetes crisis. (I don’t use this word lightly).The funds that will still recognise nutrition from the 1st are: AHM, Australian Unity, CBHS, GMF Health, GU Health, HBF, HCF, Medibank Private, APIA, Qantas Health and NIB.Is there anything you can do if you are with another fund? Apart from contacting your fund and asking them why they don’t recognise nutrition, there is not a great deal that can be done.The only thing I can do is put my head down, and work harder to improve the health (and health information) for all Australians. |
So what is the difference….?The question I am then often asked is what is the difference between nutrition and dietetics, and why am I not a dietitian.I can give a black and white answer to this. It is because the study of dietetics and the majority of dietitians are decades behind where they should be in terms of contemporary science. Many dietitians are also far too close to food companies, and sadly put their endorsements before their patients.Dietitians are still erroneously espousing the virtues of low-fat, they are still telling you to count calories, and ‘move more’, and are telling you that fat (especially animal fat) will clog arteries, bowels and kill you. |
The redundancy of the advice given by dietitians, is highlighted by this latest research (carried out by dietitians) that show an average of one kilogram of weight-loss after counselling patients about dietary change. Yes, one kilogram!That is like your accountant getting their debits and credits mixed up or your car not starting after taking it to the mechanic. These are just not acceptable results from a professional who you are paying good money to.Now I realise that weight-loss isn’t everything, and there is blood sugar, blood pressure, pain, inflammation and lipid measures too. But weight loss (even to a small degree) will cause other symptoms to reduce.And I think I have found the problem…. |
Breakfast may in fact be the worse meal of the dayThis study looked at the best research available in regards to eating breakfast.Now I warn you, the conclusions of this study will make you mad. Especially when you realise why your dietitian has been telling you all along ‘to eat breakfast’, ‘it is the best start to the day’ and ‘it increases your metabolism’.This study found: “that the addition of breakfast might not be a good strategy for weight loss, regardless of established breakfast habit. Caution is needed when recommending breakfast for weight loss in adults, as it could have the opposite effect”.Damning isn’t it.And remember, this is a gold-standard study. |
My take on this study is two-fold: eating a traditional cereal/bread breakfast high in carbohydrates WILL cause that extra glucose to be converted to fat, and will worsen fat gain and diabetes. And dietitians (especially ‘media’ dietitians) and the Dietitians Association of Australia must sever their links to big food companies, as it is worsening the health of ordinary Australians and making them more confused. The problem is that the ‘health experts’ have told us for decades, that we eating a diet too high in fat or animal products. How wrong they have been. Have a look at the graphs below. More than 60% of our diet is carbohydrate. This excessive amount found in cereal, noodles, rice, bread, fruit and endless snacks in converted to fat, and stuffed around our middle/in our livers/around our hearts and in our arteries. It is interesting looking at the ABS figures on this. They had included large amounts of sweet biscuits, cakes and pastries in the ‘fat’ column. They should be in the carbohydrate column. This is a bit like creative accounting! So you lose weight and reverse diabetes, reduce carbohydrates not fats. |
Finally, I have a favour to ask.If you have been, or are being treated by me, could I ask you that you review me on both Google and Facebook?I would really appreciate it. If I have helped you with your health, someone who thinks they have tried everything, and is confused, may be swayed to give it one last shot, if they read your review. |
Facebook Review |
Google Review |
To say thanks, here is one of my post popular recipes: |
Seed crackersIngredients40 g almond meal 50 g sunflower seeds 40 g pumpkin seeds 50 g flaxseed or chia seeds 50 g sesame seeds 1 tbsp ground psyllium husk powder 1 tsp salt 60 ml melted coconut oil 225 ml boiling water |
MethodPreheat the oven to 150°C. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add boiling water and oil. Mix together with a wooden fork.Spread out the dough thinly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Bake on lower rack for about 45 minutes, check occasionally. Let dry for another 15 minutesTurn off the oven and let the dry in the oven. Break into pieces and spread a generous amount of butter/avocado/tahini/scrambled eggs/mince on top. |